Installation and Use


OSCR was created on Linux and, given the developer has no access to other operating systems, support for Windows is limited and there is no support for MacOS.


In order to install OSCR, you will need a version of Python installed. The original framework was written in 3.7, and current development uses 3.10, but anything 3.5 onwards should work. A minimum of 3.5 is required because that is when type-hinting, which OSCR uses extensively, was added.

OSCR also relies on several python packages; configparser, PRAW, and alive_progress. Any version of configparser will do, but for PRAW you will need at least 7.1.2, and for alive_progress you will need at least 1.6.1.


To install OSCR,

  1. Run either python -m pip install oscr or pip install oscr in your command line. It should automatically install the program as well as any dependencies.

  2. Before doing anything else, you should now create an app for your Reddit account. You can do this by going to the apps page in preferences and creating a new app:

    • Give it a name (“Oscar” or “OSCR” are easy to remember).

    • Choose “script”.

    • Give it a description (which can really be anything you want).

    • Set an about url and redirect uri. The about url doesn’t matter (I just linked the project’s repository). If you have two-factor authentication enabled, set the redirect uri to http://localhost:8080/users/auth/reddit/callback. If you do not have 2FA enabled, the redirect uri does not matter.

  3. If you are not using two-factor authentication, you can skip this step. If you are, then in your console, run the command oscr -S; you will be taken to the settings menu. Select “Edit config” and then “useRefreshTokens”. Set the value to “True”. You can then select “Continue to program” in place of running oscr in the next step.

  4. Now, in your console, run the command oscr and you will be prompted to enter information for the creation of the praw.ini file. It will ask for your client id and client secret, which you can see on the apps page.

    • Go to the page and scroll down until you find the bot you created. Underneath its name should be “personal use script”, and below that a string of random characters. This is your client id. If you can’t see a field labeled “secret” with another, longer string of random characters after it, then click the edit button and it should appear (along with other fields you filled out when you were creating the app).

    • For those using 2FA, OSCR will automatically set your redirect_uri to http://localhost:8080/users/auth/reddit/callback, which should be what you set it to for the app in step 2.

Once the ini has been created, OSCR will detect whether or not you are using 2FA. If you are, it will open a tab in your browser for you to authorise it to read your submission history and edit your submissions - the necessary scopes to delete comments. Once fully initialised, the contents of your praw.ini file should look something like this (the last one will only appear if you have 2FA enabled)::


You can check if they are correct by navigating to your config folder, which should be .config on Linux and Mac, and AppData on Windows.

  1. Once you’ve rerun the program, each comment older than the cutoff should be deleted. By default, it will search every 10 minutes, and you can then either leave the program running in the background to delete posts in real time as they reach the cutoff, or you can turn recur off in your config file and manually run it whenever you want to delete comments.


To update the program to a newer version, run python -m pip install --upgrade oscr or pip install --upgrade oscr in your command line.

Using the Latest Testing Version

To use the latest testing version, download the 2.x branch files, extract the archive you have downloaded, and use pip install . after navigating into the directory the files were extracted to.