Additional Help and FAQ

Where are the praw.ini, config file and data located?
On Linux and Mac, these are stored under /home/your_username/.oscr/, with the data (log and statistics) under the subfolder data. On Windows, they are stored under C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Roaming\oscr, with the data under a data subfolder.
What if I already have a praw.ini on my computer?
Saving in an oscr subfolder prevents OSCR from overwriting any ini you might already have, and the program is designed to only pull from that file.
If you are updating to 2.0.0 from a version of OSCR that had the praw.ini in just .config, run oscr -F and it should automatically move the oscr section from your .config praw.ini to .config/oscr, but note that this functionality was removed in version 2.1.0.
How can I contact the developer?
I’m reachable through You can also open an issue on GitHub if needed.